Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gate of Lightning (Video Guide)

Adjust your camera view to behind your characters at all times to have a sense of direction.

First Floor Directions:

  1. Left
  2. Back
  3. Right
  4. Front
  5. Front
  6. Left
  7. Left
  8. Right
  9. Right
  10. Front
  11. Left

Second Floor Directions:
  1. Right
  2. North East
  3. North West
  4. Right
  5. Front
  6. Right
  7. North East
  8. Right

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Heiran & JD's Quest Guide

This video details how to run through the maze. Notice how I try to avoid the circle of light. You must avoid them to the best of your ability and make your way through. Red lollipops are important. Movement speed and attack speed are essential. For JD's quest, you'll also have to avoid being seen by JD. If JD catches you, you cannot do the quest for the remainder of the day. To avoid this, if you are about to be caught by JD, get caught by a soldier instead so you can repeat.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Faction Emblem

So after several days of trying to figure out how to upload a faction emblem, I gave up and asked Corax. Here's his answer:

Apparently, it's still broken but I saw NorthKorea, Desperado, GE Faction, and another faction with their own emblems. Strange...:|

Monday, June 17, 2013

Catherine Expert Stance (Basement Passage Guide)

Here's a guide for navigating through the basement passage portion of the quest:

When you enter the quest, this is what you'll see on your map. I've marked up the room numbers and separated it into north and south.

The only thing you need to do is go to every room and kill everything inside it until you get three hints. However, before you clear up a room, take note of the room number, whether it is north or south, what monster was in it, and which direction was the gate facing

Here is an example of how you should take note of the direction, room number, gate location, and monster. Also notice the white text: those are EXAMPLES of hints that you may get (its random for each person):

****I used U for North and D for South but its up to you how you want to do it. The way I did it was the following: (North or South) + Room Number + Gate Direction (N, S, E, or W) + The monster that was in the room (i.e. U7W - Victor = North Side Room 7 West Gate with Victors). The hints will tell you enough about the room that has the correct warp gate. Once you find that room, click warp gate. DONE!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Souveran Faction Info

Souveran Faction (Souveran Affiliation)

* Clique Battle every Sunday at 1600 server time
* There is not a fixed time for raids. Raids will happen when people are available

Clique Battle Results - June 16, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Castilla Ancient Temple Boss Locations

Here's a helpful guide on Castilla Ancient Temple's boss locations and spawn times:
Sphinx Spawn Locations: I3, I7, I9
Sphinx Spawn Time: Every 3 hours and 30 minutes upon death

Minostaur Spawn Locations: D4, D7, D9
Minostaur Spawn Time: Every 3 hours and 30 minutes upon death

Medusa Spawn Location: F/G3 (that dot with 4 dots)
Medusa Spawn Time: Every 5 hours and 36 minutes upon death

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Builds

PVE Build

**You can allocate the 5 points I put into Summon ATK into something else like monster ATK**

PVP Build

Tank Build

Random Screenshots

Oh look, a virus is in town! AND IT'S SELLING ITEMS

And since when is Jack a woman? T3Fun, stop T3Failing...

My tanker :D

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Rains of Castamere

The North will never forget...

I love Game of Thrones. The best television series I have ever seen thus far. Keep it going HBO.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

War of 3 Years

According to Bernelli...

If you think the English is a bit off, welcome to T3Fun's amazing translation.
Very interesting story though!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Jurgen Follower

Managed to kill a Jurgen Follower that spawns randomly in Kielce Night with only my Catherine of Summon (he kept killing my JD and Ion :\ )
1. Bristia soldier boxes
2. General Boxes
3. Complex Device
4. Essence of all sorts
5. Tons of vis bags
6. level 96 chips...from someone this strong :S

Catherine summon had 73 AR 74 DR summons